New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR Solhar (ANR‐13‐MONU‐0007)

This project aims at studying and designing algorithms and parallel programming models for implementing direct methods for the solution of sparse linear systems on emerging computing platforms equipped with accelerators. This project proposes an innovative approach which relies on the efficiency and portability of runtime systems, such as the StarPU tool. The focus of RealOpt in this project is on the scheduling aspect. Indeed, executing a heterogeneous workload with complex dependencies on a heterogeneous architecture is a very challenging problem that demands the development of effective scheduling algorithms. These will be confronted with possibly limited views of dependencies among tasks and multiple, and potentially conflicting objectives, such as minimizing the makespan, maximizing the locality of data or, where it applies, minimizing the memory consumption.

See also: http://solhar.gforge.inria.fr/